Medohar Guggulu For Obesity and Weight loss

Medohar Guggulu health benefits information to treat obesity. Know what are different ingredients used in this? Learn how to use medohar guggul for treating obesity and reducing fat.

Medohar Guggulu is a polyherbal ayurvedic medicine. It prescribed for Medoroga. Medohar Guggulu has anti-obesity properties and helps to reduce weight. It is also helpful in treating disorders related to obesity.

Medohar guggulu uses

Medoroga is an Ayurvedic term for excessive accumulation of Meda Dhatu (derivates of fat tissue) in the body leading to Sthulata (Obesity). The main causative factors of Medoroga (hyperlipidemia) include intake of cold, sticky, oily, sweet, heavy to digest foods, overeating, and Kapha-Vata increasing foods. Obesity increases the risk of developing diabetes, heart diseases, piles, joint problems, and other diseases.

The principle ingredient of this medicine is Guggulu. Guggulu is gum resin of the Commiphora mukul tree. Guggul has anti-inflammatory, hypolipedemic, antiseptic, antibacterial, astringent, antispasmodic and antifertility properties. Guggul supports thyroid function and helps in weight loss. It also works as a carrier for other drugs.

Classical Ayurvedic texts recommend not to take Guggulu as a single drug but it should be administered along with other herbs in combination. Most of the medicinal herbs used in this medicine are pungent in taste (Katu Ras), easy to digest and drying in qualities (Laghu, Rukhsha Guna), hot in potency (Ushna Virya) and pungent post digestion (Katu Vipak). This combination helps to remove the obstruction from the channels, reduces phlegm and fat, burns Ama and improve appetite and digestion.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Type of medicine: Classical Medicine
  • Form of medicine: Pills/tablets
  • Purpose: Weight Management, lowering lipid and high cholesterol levels, rheumatism, Vata Roga
  • Availability: Online and at Pharmacy Stores

Ingredients of Medohar Guggulu

Five grams of finely powdered Shunthi / ginger, Pippali long pepper, Maricha / Black pepper, Triphala, Chitrak / Plumbago zeylanica, Nagarmotha / Cyperus scariousus, and Vidang / Embelia ribes. 45 grams Guggulu and castor oil.

Preparation: Sprinkle castor oil on gum guggal and pound it. When soft add the fine powders of the above herbs and make pills of 250 mg from the homogenous mass.

Key Ingredients of Medohar Guggulu

Guggulu is gum resin obtained from Commiphora Mukul, a tree found in arid- subtropical to tropical climate. It is highly effective in the treatment of Vata-Vyadhi and due to its thermogenic, digestive, anti-inflammatory, carminative rejuvenating and tonic activities.

Guggulu / the gum resin contains guggul sterons Z and E, guggul sterols I-V, two diterpenoids- a terpene hydrocarbon named cembreneA and diterpene alcohol- mukulol, a-camphrone, and cembrene, long chain aliphatic tetrols- octadecan-1,2,3,4-tetrol, eicosan-1,2,3,4-tetrol and nonadecan-1,2,3,4-tetrol. Major components from the essential oil of gum resin are myrcene and dimyrcene.

Guggulu is the main choice of the drug for the treatment of obesity and inflammatory conditions of joints. It is effective in reducing the synthesis of cholesterol in the liver. It reduces serum triglycerides, LDL (bad) cholesterol and increases HDL. It can reduce 14-27 percent blood cholesterol and triglycerides by 22-30 percent. Guggulu increases metabolism of LDL.

Guggulu is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of arthritis, rheumatism, gout, lumbago, disorders of the nervous, respiratory, digestive and circulatory systems. It has anti-inflammatory with strong purifying and rejuvenating properties.

Trikatu is a combination of dry ginger, black pepper and long pepper (Sonth + Pippali + Kali Mirch). It is effective for burning Ama (metabolic waste and toxins) which is the prime cause of all disease. It supports better digestion and cures constipation. It stimulates the liver to secrete bile which is vital for fat digestion and absorption. It also balances Kapha.

Read Also: Trikatu Churna For Immunity & Respiratory System

Triphala is a combination of Amalaki, Bibhitaki, and Haritaki and used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is a tonic for the whole body. It has been used in various gastric disorders including intestinal inflammation. It contains vitamin C, linoleic oil, phospholipids, and other important nutrients. It is a rich source of tannins, which is known to affect the integrity of the mucus membrane. Tannins with their protein precipitating and vasoconstriction effects could be advantageous in preventing ulcer development. It is a Rasayana drug and used for detoxifying and tonifying the body.

Triphala pacifies Vata-Vikar and cleanses the digestive tract. It aid in elimination and purification. It tones and strengthens the digestive tract and promote regular and complete the evacuation of the bowels. It helps with the digestion and assimilation of food, improves blood circulation and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Chitraka, Plumbago zeylanica is a large perennial sub-scandent medicinal shrub, found throughout India. Its Sanskrit synonyms are Agni, Vahni, Jvalanakhya, Krishanu, Huasha, Dahana, Hutabhuk and Sikha.

It reduces vata and kapha and increases pitta. It is stimulant, anthelmintic and antiseptic. It is used in Ayurveda for colitis, indigestion, hemorrhoids, diarrhea, gas and intestinal parasites.

Benefits of Medohar Guggulu

  • It is Medohar (Reduces fat in the body).
  • It decreases triglycerides and bad cholesterol LDL level.
  • It improves appetite, digestion, and metabolism (by working on thyroid function).
  • It gives relief in constipation.
  • It reduces Kapha / phlegm and congestion.
  • It decreases Vata inside the body and gives relief in Vata disorders such as joint swelling, arthritis, gout, bloating, gas, distension, etc.
  • It is warming in effects and helps to improve metabolism.
  • It helps to shed extra kilos.
  • It supports better bowel movements.
  • It removes the obstruction from channels and congestion.

Ayurvedic Properties and Action of Medohar Guggulu

Medohar Guggulu is pungent (Katu) in both the initial and post-digestive tastes (Rasa and Vipaka) and hot in effect (Virya). It is carminative, antiemetic and thermogenic.

It is an Ushna Virya herb. Ushna Virya or hot in potency due to which it subdues Vata (Wind) and Kapha (Mucus) and increases Pitta (Bile). It has the property of digestion, vomiting and purging, and gives a feeling of lightness. It is considered bad for sperms and fetus.

  • Rasa (taste on the tongue): Katu (Pungent)
  • Guna (Pharmacological Action): Laghu (Light), Ruksha (Dry)
  • Virya (Action): Ushna (Heating)
  • Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Katu (Pungent)

The action of Medohar Guggul

  1. Deepana (enlighten the Agni)
  2. Paachana (enhances digestive power)
  3. Kleda-Meda Shoshaka (scrap out excessive Meda and Kapha)
  4. Srotovishodhaka (open the microchannels)
  5. Lekhana (Remove bad humours and altered constituents)
  6. Medohara (Reduces blood lipids)

Important Therapeutic Uses of Medohar Guggulu

  1. Medohar Guggulu is medicine for Sthaulya or Obesity. Obesity can be defined as a condition in which more than required fat is deposited in the body leading to various diseases.
  2. Medoroga (obesity) excess fat deposition in the body
  3. Weight management
  4. Kapha Roga (disease due to Kapha Dosha)
  5. Lowering cholesterol level
  6. Reducing fat in the body
  7. Improve metabolism, digestion
  8. Fatty the liver
  9. Enlarged the liver
  10. Diabetes
  11. Rheumatism

The Dosage of Medohar Guggulu

2 – 4 Tablets (500mg-1 gram) twice a day in morning and evening, with lukewarm water or decoction of Triphala. Do not take more than six grams in a day. Appropriate doses depend on age, sex, the severity of obesity. Or take as directed by a physician.

Along with medicine, it is equally important to make dietary and lifestyle changes.

Ayurveda says to reduce obesity, one should eat food which is Katu (pungent) in taste / Ras. Laghu (light) and Ruksha (drying) in Guna / Qualities and hot (Ushna) in potency. The food should be Kapha-Vata har, Dipana (Promote appetite), Pachana (Assist in digesting undigested food), Lekhana (Remove bad humours and altered constituents of the body by thinning them gradually and thus clearing the system of them) and Ama Pachana (toxin digester). Lack of physical exercise and eating Kaphavardhaka ahara (phlem increasing foods) leads to obesity, so these should be avoided.

  • Eat light foods.
  • Drink water empty stomach.
  • Drink Triphala Decoction, in the morning empty stomach.
  • Eat salads, easy to digest food and food low in calories.
  • Do not diet.
  • Do some exercise.
  • Drink plenty of water throughout the day.


  • Avoid sweet and fatty foods.
  • Do not take in pregnancy.
  • In Pitta prakrity people, it may cause acidity, headaches and burning sensation.
  • A person should do some exercise daily.
  • A person suffering from thyroid and the liver problems must consult a physician before taking guggul.

You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores.

This medicine is manufactured by Baidyanath (Medohar Guggulu), NIDCO (Medohar Guggul), Herbal Aid (Medohar Guggulu), Rasashram (Medohar Guggul) and many other Ayurvedic pharmacies.

Common Questions Asked About Medohar Guggulu

What is Medohar Guggul?

Medohar Guggul is a combination of finely powdered Trikatu (Dry Ginger, Long Pepper, Black Pepper), Triphala (Haritaki, Vibhitaki, Amalki), Chitrakmula, Nargarmotha, and Vidanga with gum Guggul and processed in Castor Oil.

Does Medohar Guggul work?

Yes, it works for most of the people. But, please make the necessary dietary and lifestyle changes.

It is equally important to use Ayurvedic medicines manufactured by good Ayurvedic Pharmacies who use genuine herbs and Guggul and maintain good quality control such as Baidyanath.

Does Medohar Guggul manufactured by different pharmacy have the same composition?

No. The formulation may differ a bit in terms of ingredients and amount of each ingredient.

The strength of the tablets may also differ. The strength may vary from 250mg-700 mg. For example, in Baidyanath Medohar Guggul the strength of each tablet is 700 mg.

The Guggul amount used in formulation may not be the same. Some pharmacies are adding a lesser amount of Guggul. There are few which are using a substitute of Guggul and adding the gum resin of other trees. Guggul is the principal ingredient of the medicine.

In Baidyanath Medohar Guggul the amount of Guggul in each tablet of 700 mg is 249.30 mg (approximately 36%).

How does Medohar Guggul work?

It helps to reduce obesity due by its heating, metabolism enhancing, anti-inflammatory, anticholesterolemic, digestion improving, congestion-reducing and detoxifying properties.

It is Lekhana Scrapes toxins, Shodhana Blood purifier, Shothaghna Alleviates oedema, Srotorodhaghna Alleviates obstructions to the channels and Vataghna Alleviates Vata.

It is a laxative, carminative, alternative and anti-inflammatory.

What is the dosage of Medohar Guggul?

The recommended dosage is 2 tablets, two or three times a day or 3 grams per day in divided doses. Check the strength of each tablet as written on the label of the bottle and take accordingly.

When to take Medohar Guggul?

It is an anti-obesity formula and used to reduce weight in an obese person. This should be taken twice or thrice a day with lukewarm water in a dose of 4 tablets per day (safest dose for most people).

Either take 2 tables one-hour breakfast and dinner or take 1 tablet after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

How to take Medohar Guggul?

It is to be taken with warm water. The recommended way to take the tablets is to chew the tablets and drink lukewarm water. But you may swallow it as a whole. You may take it one to two hours after having a meal.

How long to take Medohar Guggul?

It is safe to take this medicine for a longer duration.

What is the formulation of Baidyanath Medohar Guggulu?

Each 700mg tablet of Baidyanath Medohar Guggul contains the following ingredients:

  1. Trikatu (Shunthi 27.7 mg + Marich 27.7 mg + Pippali 27.7 mg)
  2. Triphala (Haritaki 27.7 mg + Bibhitaka 27.7 mg + Amla 27.7 mg)
  3. Chitrakmool 27.7 mg
  4. Nagarmotha 27.7 mg
  5. Vidanga 27.7 mg
  6. Guggulu 249.30 mg
  7. Castor and excipients Q.S

What is the difference between Medohar Guggul and Medohar Vati?

Medohar Guggul is a classical Ayurvedic formulation manufactured by many Ayurvedic Pharmacies. But Divya Medohar Vati is proprietary medicine from Patanjali. It contains the following ingredients.

  1. Triphala (Amla Amalaki Emblica officinalis 94.90 mg + Bibhitaki Terminalia Bellirica 94.90 mg + Haritaki Terminalia Chebula 94.90 mg)
  2. Kutki Picrorhiza Kurroa 14.30 mg
  3. Trivrit Operculina Turpethum 14.30 mg
  4. Vidang Embelia Ribes 28.60 mg
  5. Haritaki Terminalia Chebula (Small) 28.60 mg
  6. Shuddha Guggul Commiphora Mukul 86.50 mg
  7. Shilaji 14.30 mg
  8. Babul Gum (Acacia Arabica) 28.60 mg

This formulation contains Shuddha Guggul + Babool Gum Resin.  Babul Gond (Also known as Gum Arabic, Acacia gum) has emulsifying, stabilizing, demulcent and emollient properties. It soothes irritated mucous membranes and used for cough and some gastrointestinal preparation.

What is the price of Baidyanath Medohar Guggul?

The price of 120 Tablets of Baidyanath Medohar Guggul is INR 195.

What can be side-effects?

It is very safe to take this medicine in recommended doses. In excess dose, it may cause headaches, nausea, vomiting, loose stools, diarrhea, belching, and hiccups. The dose may need to be adjusted.

From where can I buy Medohar Guggul?

This medicine is available at medical stores and online also.

Can I take Medohar Guggul in Pregnancy?

No, it must not be taken during pregnancy due to its heating, antiobesity, strong emmenagogue and uterus reducing properties.

Is it safe to take Medohar Guggul?

This medicine contains natural ingredients and hence it is safe for most of the people. But in certain conditions, it should be taken cautiously.

For example, Guggul reduces Kapha and Vata but increases Pitta. As it increases acidity and hence people already suffering from peptic ulcer, hyperacidity, bleeding disorders, heavy bleeding during periods, etc. should take Guggul cautiously.

Guggul may cause stomach discomfort or an allergic rash. Also, sour foods, alcohol, and heavy exercise are not recommended while taking Guggul.

Caution is required while taking guggul in coagulation disorder, thyroid problem, and with antiplatelet (warfarin, enoxaparin, heparin, aspirin, dipyridamole, clopidogrel) medicines.

Guggul has anti-inflammatory, weight reducing and heating effects and it is strongly suggested not to use guggul during pregnancy. It exhibits cervix, uterus and ovary size reducing properties. It is contraindicated in acute kidney infections, excessive uterine bleeding, hyperthyroidism, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

 Guggul should be avoided in children. It shows anti-fertility effects and should be taken cautiously by women wishing for pregnancy.

In a few people, Guggul may cause gastrointestinal symptoms, headaches, skin rash, etc. In case, any of the adverse effect it is better to avoid guggul.

It is important to mention here, Guggul is Cholesterol reducing, platelet reducing (anticoagulants/antiplatelet), immune stimulant, emmenagogue, and swelling reduces. The recommended dosage of guggul is 3-9g per day in a decoction and250mg–3g per day pills.

Chitrak Plumbago zeylanica is very hot in nature. It is contraindicated in High Pitta with inflamed skin, Ulcers, and Pregnancy. Vidanga Embelia ribes–Fructus, is contraindicated in pregnancy and Pitta aggravation.

What should be eaten or avoided to lose weight?

Eat easily digestible food items like sprouts, Moong, Tuvar Dal, Masoor, etc. Drink plenty of water. Try drinking lukewarm water.

Squeeze one lemon in one glass water, add honey and drink empty stomach in the morning.

Eat lots of vegetables, salads, and fruits. Take mild herbal laxatives at night.

Avoid starchy vegetates like potatoes, arvi, etc. Do not eat sweets, sugar-containing foods, ice creams, biscuits, etc.

Do not eat refined, fried, processed foods, pizza, burger, cheese, creams, chocolates, cakes, pastries, and other similar high calories items.

Do not drink cold water.

One Comment

  1. Brijeshkumar b sharma

    nice information

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