Fever is a high temperature of the body due to some external infection or disease. Infections cause most fevers. You get a fever because your body is trying to kill the virus or bacteria that caused the infection. Most of those bacteria, and viruses do well when your body is at your normal temperature. But if you have a fever, it is harder for them to survive. Fever also activates your body’s immune system.

In Ayurveda, there are many herbal medicines which are very good inactivation body immune system to fight bacteria, and viruses.
List of Ayurvedic medicines to treat different types of fever
Amritarishta For Fever
Amruthsrishta is especially beneficial in all type of fever, chronic fever, malaria, recurring fevers, and accompanying complaints of an enlarged the liver or spleen or digestive disturbances, night sweating, and weakness. It is a bitter Tonic, and stimulant especially beneficial in debility. It improves appetite. It is useful in the liver, and spleen complaints.
Key Ingredient
The main ingredient of Amritarishta medicine is Amrita or Guduchi. Guduchi is a very well-known, effective, and commonly available herb.
Dosage, and Directions to Use
It is taken in a dose of 12 ml to 24 ml twice daily. It is taken after mixing with an equal amount of water. It can be taken after having breakfast, and dinner. Or should be taken as directed by a doctor.
Vasavaleha For Fever
Vasavaleha is one of the top ayurvedic medicines for Abdominal Pain, Asthma & Fever which is a concoction of essential medicinal plants that have bronchodilatory, and antimicrobial properties as recommended by Ayurveda.
Key Ingredient
Vasavaleha is prepared from five ingredients. It contains Vasa or Arusa (Adhatoda vasica) Swaras/ fresh leaves juice (768 grams); Sita or Sugar (384 grams), Pippali (96 grams); Madhu or honey (384 grams), and Gau Ghrita or Ghee (96 grams).
Dosage, and Directions to Use
The recommended dose of Vasavaleha is 6-12 grams. Take this medicine with Honey, Warm milk or water in morning & evening or as directed by the Physician
Amritottara Kwath Churna / Nagaradi Kwath Churna / Amruthotharam kashayam For Fever
Amritottara Kwath Churna / Nagaradi Kwath Churna / Amruthotharam kashayam is a herbal decoction in liquid form or dried powder form. Used in the treatment of Fever, constipation, rheumatoid arthritis Indigestion & loss of appetite.
Key Ingredient
Ardraka (Zingiber officinale) 1 Part, Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) 2 Parts, Haritaki(Terminalia chebula) 4 Parts
Dosage, and Directions to Use
25 – 50 ml diluted with 25 – 50ml of water once or twice daily before food with jaggery or sugar, or as directed by a physician. Kashyam Tablets 1 to 2 tablets twice daily.
Dashamula Kwath / Churna For Fever
Dashamula Kwath / Churna is very good Ayurvedic herbal medicine used in the treatment of Fever associated with body ache, after delivery, Coldness in hands, and legs, Vertigo, Excessive Perspiration, Cough, Breathlessness. Cardiac stimulant, and tonic. Sedative, Expectorant, Anti-infective, and anti-periodic. Restorative, and nervine tonic. Used in pneumonia, pleurisy, and influenza.
Key Ingredient
Dosage, and Directions to Use
1 to 2-tablespoonful (15 to 30ml) with an equal quantity of water after meals or as directed by the Physician.
Devdarvyadi Kwath For Fever
Devdarvyadi Kwath / Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine in decoction form or powder form. It is used in the treatment of cough, cold, fever, bronchitis, asthma, body ache, etc.
Key Ingredient
Devadaru – Himalayan cedar (bark) – Cedrus deodara, and other herbs
Dosage, and Directions to Use
10 – 20 ml, once or twice a day before or after food or as directed by a doctor.
Gojihvadi kwath For Fever
Gojihvadi kwath/quath/decoction is Polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine. This medicine is described under jwar rogaadhikara, and useful in the treatment of cold, cough, respiratory infections, and fever due to cough.
Key Ingredient
An equal amount of Gojihva Onosma bracteatum Whole Plant, Yastimadhu Glycerrhiza glabra Root, Saunf Foniculum Vulgare Fruit, Draksha Vitis vinefera Dry fruit, Anjir Ficus carica Dry Fruit, Unnav Zizyphus Sativa Fruit, Vasa Adhatoda vasica Whole Plant, Jufa Hyssopus officinalis the Whole Plant
Dosage, and Directions to Use
1 tola of Gojihvadi kwath powder is boiled in 16 tola water, till water reduces to 4 tolas. Filter this decoction, add misri/honey, and take 3-4 times a day.
Guduchyadi Kashayam For Fever
Guduchyadi Kashayam is an ayurvedic herbal medicine used for the treatment of fevers, and infections associated with burning sensation, excessive thirst, loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting.
Key Ingredient
Giloy Tinospora cordifolia, Dhaniya Coriandrum sativum, Neem Azadirachta indica, Rakta Chandan Pterocarpus santalinus, Padmaka Prunus cerasoides
Dosage, and Directions to Use
Take 15 ml of Guduchyadi Kashayam in 45 ml of lukewarm water, thrice daily before food.
Patoladi Kashayam / Patoladi Choornam For Fever
Patoladi Kashayam / Patoladi Choornam is an Ayurvedic medicine in liquid form or file powder form. It is a herbal water decoction, then optionally dried. It is mainly used for the treatment of the skin diseases. It is used in the treatment of the skin diseases- itches, scabies. Very good in piles, chest, and bladder aches, and typhoid fever. Does not cause indigestion, but helps in bowel movement. Good in anemia too. It is also given to treat jaundice, anemia, grahni, gulma, heart disease, colic, tastelessness, fever, and diseases of the mouth.
Key Ingredient
Patola – Trichosanthes dioica, Triphala, Arishta – Nimba – Neem – Azadirachta indica, Guduchi – Tinospora cordifolia, Dhavani – Solanum indicium, Vrisha – Vasa – Adhatoda vasica, Karanja – Pongamia pinnata
Dosage, and Directions to Use
10 – 20 ml, before food or on empty stomach, once or twice a day with honey or pippali churna, or as directed by Ayurvedic physician.
Indukanta Ghrita For Fever
Indukanta Ghrita is polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine also known as Indukantham Ghritham, Indukanta Ghritham, Indukantha Ghritham. indicated in the treatment of weakness, chronic fever, vata roga, tuberculosis, and peptic ulcer.
Key Ingredient
This is a medicated ghee containing Dashmula, and many other medicinal herbs, and indicated in the treatment of weakness, chronic fever, vata roga, tuberculosis, and peptic ulcer.
Dosage, and Directions to Use
Indukanta Ghrita can be taken internally in the dosage of 5-12 grams two times a day. Take this medicine with either warm water or warm milk or fresh stem juice of Giloy.
Balachaturbhadra Churna For Fever
Balachaturbhadra Churna is an Ayurvedic medicine, in herbal powder form. It is useful in treating cold, cough, loose motions, etc.in children. It is a safe, and effective medicine for routine digestive complaints of children. It improves digestion, immunity, and promotes healthy physical growth.
Key Ingredient
Balchaturbhadra Churna is prepared from four medicinal herbs viz. Motha, Ativish, Pippali, and Kakar singhi. All four herbs are taken in equal proportion, and dried.
Dosage, and Directions to Use
0.25 gm (for age: 1 year ), 0.5 gm (1-8 years), 1 gm (8-15 years) of churna thrice a day with honey depending on weight of the child or as directed by the physician. In the case of children, an exact dose of medicine is dependent on age, and weight of the child which is prescribed by a physician.
Sudarshana Churna For Fever
Sudarshana Churna is a polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine. It is a Churna or fine powder of formulated composition. It cures fever due to various reasons such as typhoid/ Sannipata Jwara, Malaria, etc. It improves digestion. It is useful in jaundice, enlargement of the liver-spleen, asthma, and cough.
Key Ingredient
It is a classical Ayurvedic medicine referenced from Bhaishajya Ratnavali, Jvaradhikara. Sudarshan Churna contains bitter tonics, such as Nimba, Giloy, Haldi, daruhaldi, Vanslochan, etc.
Dosage, and Directions to Use
2 grams twice a day. The adjunct/ Anupan, which is an administered along with or just after the medicine to enhance its therapeutic action, for this medicine is hot water. It should be taken before food. Or take as directed by the physician.
Talishadya Churna For Fever
Talishadya Churna has expectorant, stimulant, and anti-Kapha properties, and is good for colds, and flu, taken with lime juice or honey. It increases Agni in Vata, and Kapha conditions.
Key Ingredient
Talisadi Churna is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine in powder form prepared from Talisa Patra, Dry Ginger, Long Pepper, Black Pepper, Cinnamon, Green Cardamom, Bamboo manna, and sugar.
Dosage, and Directions to Use
The recommended dosage of medicine is 1 gram to 3 grams. It should be taken once or twice a day. It is to be taken with honey.
Giloy Ghanvati For Fever
Giloy Ghanvati is beneficial in the fever (due to various reasons, dengue, chikungunya, malarial fever, chronic fever, viral fever, etc.), urinary disorders, dyspepsia, general debility, rheumatism, gout, low immunity, jaundice, and other the liver conditions. It has a very important hepatoprotective activity which helps to protect the liver from damage in case of viral or bacterial diseases.
Key Ingredient
The stem of Giloy or Tinospora cordifolia, Each tablet contained 500 mg of Giloy, Excipient Q.S.
Dosage, and Directions to Use
The recommended dosage for adult person, and children above the age of 12 is one or two tablets, two times a day with water. Children between 5 – 12 years can be given half of the adult dosage or half tablet two times a day. This medicine should be swallowed with water. It should be taken preferably empty stomach.
Bilvadi Gutika For Fever
Bilvadi Gutika is used for toxic fevers, diarrhea, and vomiting. The ingredients have the action to treat venomous bites based on signs, and symptoms, especially in cobra bite.
Key ingredient
Vilwadi Gulika is polyherbal Ayurvedic medicine containing Bilwa, Surasa, Karanja, Nata, Surahva, Harithaki, Vibhitaki, Amalaki, Sunthi, Marica, Pippali, Haridra, Dharuharidra, and processed in Basthamuthra or goat urine.
Dosage, and Directions to Use
The recommended dosage of medicine is 1-2 tablets. It should be taken twice a day, in the morning, and evening. It is to be taken with water or honey. Vilwadi Gulika is used as Anjana, Nasya, and Lepa.
Guduchi Sattva For Fever
Guduchi Sattva is used for the treatment of fever due to any reason, swine flu, and any recurrent infection. Guduchi-satva is highly nutritive, and digestive, and used in many diseases.
Key Ingredient
Giloy stem
Dosage, and Directions to Use
The recommended dosage of medicine is 500mg-2 gram for an adult person. Children above the age of 5 can be given, half of this dosage. For fevers, take Guduchi Satva + Sudarshan Churna (1 teaspoon). For cough, take Guduchi Satva + Talisadi Churna (1 teaspoon).
Balark Rasa For Fever
Balark Rasa is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine use in the treatment of Balrog (pediatric problems). This medicine is alternative, Tonic, and gives relief in diseases due to Vata-Kapha derangement, diarrhea, intestinal parasites, fever, vomiting, balshosh, etc.
Key Ingredient
Herbs, and minerals
Dosage, and Directions to Use
Balark Rasa is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine use in the treatment of Balrog (pediatric problems). This medicine is alternative, Tonic, and gives relief in diseases due to Vata-Kapha derangement, diarrhea, intestinal parasites, fever, vomiting, balshosh, etc. This medicine contains herbomineral ingredients, therefore it is highly recommended to give this medicine only under medical supervision, in the recommended dosage, and for the prescribed duration.
Tribhuvan Kirti ras For Fever
Ayurvedic Tribhuvan Kirti ras is very effective in the treatment of cough, coryza, Bronchitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, Influenza, and all type of fever.
Key Ingredient
Suddha Vatsanabh Aconitum chasmanthum Stapf, Shunthi Zingiber officinale, Maricha Piper nigrum Linn, Pippali Piper longum Linn, Suddha hingula Purified Cinnabar, Tankana Bhasma Borax, Tulsi Kvatha Ocimum sanctumLinn, Bhawana Adrak swarasa, Dhatura kwath, Nirgundi kwath
Dosage, and Directions to Use
1 to 2 tablets (125 to 250 mg.) twice a day with honey or as directed by Ayurvedic doctor.