Sandu Gokhru Kadha

Sandu Pokhari Kadha is decoction of gokhru plant, this medicine is very effective in urinary diseases, kidney stones and male impotancy.

Sandu Gokhru Kadha is a herbal Ayurvedic medicine. It is decoction of Gokhru or Tribulus and chiefly indicated in urinary disorders.

Gokhru Kadha has diuretic activity and increases passing of urine and helps in dissolution of a calculus. It reduces swelling in the body. It helps to reduce the size of stones and this helps in expulsion of stones from the body. It gives relief from the symptoms of dysuria, hematuria, frequency and burning micturition. It also prevents recurrence of stone if used regularly. Gokhru Kadha also relieves pain associated with calculus.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Manufacturer: Sandu Pharmaceuticals
  • Availability: Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Ayurvedic Medicine
  • Main Indication: Urinary disorders, Semen disorders
  • Srotas / Channel: Urinary, reproductive, nerves, and respiratory system
  • Dosha Effect: Balances Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Reduces Vata
  • MRP/Price: Sandu Gokhru Kadha 450 ml @ Rs.168.00

Ingredients of Sandu Gokhru Kadha

Each 5 ml contains:-

  1. Gokhru 500 mg
  2. Dhai phool 50 mg
  3. Gud Jaggery Q.S.

Know the Ingredient

Gokhru, Gokhura, Gokshuru, Gochurak (Sanskrit), Caltrops, Puncture vine (English) all are synonyms of Tribulus terrestris. It consists of dried, ripe, entire fruit of Tribulus terrestris. Gokhru plant is found growing as a weed in pasture lands, road sides. It prefers hot, dry and sandy regions.

The main constituent of Gokhru are given below:

Steroidal Saponins: Protodioscin, Diosgenin, Dioscin, Chlorogenin, Ruscogenin, Yamogenin, Epismilagenin, Tigogenin, Neotigogenin, Gitogenin, Neogitogenin, Tribuloside

  1. Alkaloids: Harmine, Harmaline, Harman, Tetrahydroharmine,
  2. Amino acids: Aspartic, Glutamic, Glutamine
  3. Beta-sitosterol: Vitamin C, Potassium, Calcium

Gokhru has the following Ayurvedic Properties and actions:

  • Rasa (taste on the tongue): Madhura (Sweet)
  • Guna (Pharmacological Action): Guru (Heavy), Snigdha (Unctuous)
  • Virya (Action): Shita (Cooling)
  • Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Madhura (Sweet)

Karma / Action

  1. Ashmarighna: Eliminates gravel and stones
  2. Balya: Enhances strength.
  3. Brinhana: Nourishes the body due to heavy, cold, fine, unctuous, viscid properties.
  4. Mutravirechana: Increase the flow of urine.
  5. Rakta shodhana: Blood purifier.
  6. Shukra shodhana: Purify the sperms.
  7. Tridoshahara: Reduces all three Dosha.
  8. Vasti Shodhan: Cleanses the urinary system
  9. Vatahara: Pacifies Vata Dosha
  10. Vrishya: Increases the quantity of semen

Gokhru is used in Ayurveda in the form of powder or decoction for the treatment of: –

  1. Urinary Disorders / Prameha (painful micturition, calculus affections, urinary discharges)
  2. Stones / Ashmari
  3. Impotency
  4. Cough-Asthma / Kasa-Shvasa
  5. Gonorrheal rheumatism
  6. Pain / Shula roga
  7. Painful Urination / Mutrakricchra
  8. Piles / Arsha

Biomedical Action

  1. Analgesic: Acting to relieve pain.
  2. Anti-inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms.
  3. Aphrodisiac: Stimulates sexual desire.
  4. Cooling: Lower body temperature to relieve pain, swelling and reduces body heat.
  5. Diuretic: Promoting excretion of urine/agent that increases the amount of urine excreted.
  6. Lithotriptic: Causes dissolution of a calculus.
  7. Tonic: Restore or improve health or well-being.

Benefits of Sandu Gokhru Kadha

  1. It stimulates production of urine.
  2. It helps to dissolve calculus in the urinary tract.
  3. It reduces inflammation or swelling.
  4. It gives relief in pain.
  5. It gives relief from the symptoms of dysuria, hematuria, frequency and burning micturition.
  6. It soothes the urinary tract membranes.
  7. It rejuvenates the reproductive system.
  8. Its saponins and flavonoid content act as hormonal precursors.

Indication of Sandu Gokhru Kadha

Urinary calculi (Presence of stones in the urinary system. Symptoms of stones include pain, nausea, vomiting, hematuria, chills and fever due to secondary infection)

Urinary tract infection UTI (infection in any part of the urinary system — kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra)

Oliguria (production of abnormally small amounts of urine)

Hematuria (presence of red blood cells in the urine)

Glomerulonephritis (inflammation of the glomeruli)

Semen disorders (too few sperms / oligospermia or no sperms azoospermia or defects in sperm quality)

The Dosage of Sandu Gokhru Kadha

The recommended dosage of Sandu Gokhru Kadha is 1-2 teaspoonful twice a day.

Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings

  1. Shake well before use.
  2. It contains self-generated alcohol not more than 9.5% v/v.
  3. It has diuretic action and increases urination.
  4. Patients suffering from androgenic-sensitive tumors and dehydration should not use Gokhru.
  5. It should be used cautiously in patients with decrease bile flow and menstrual disorders.
  6. It may decrease blood sugar levels, hence should be taken cautiously in diabetes.
  7. It has diuretic action and hence should be taken cautiously with calcium channel blockers or beta blockers, and drugs that have diuretic effects.
  8. Do not use in pregnancy and lactation.
  9. Gokhru contains saponins which may cause gastrointestinal disturbances and reflux in sensitive individuals. In such cases take it with food.
  10. In some people, it may cause sleeplessness.
  11. Few women may suffer from menorrhagia or heavy menstrual bleeding.
  12. It may interact with antipsychotic drugs and can reduce the effectiveness of the drug.

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