Pimplex Tablets SBL Homeopathic

Homeopathic Pimplex Tablets from SBL is a product of SBL’s Research and Development. It is a combination of well-proven drugs of homeopathy. It is very useful in the treatment of Acne Vulgaris. The common name of Acne Vulgaris is Pimples which is commonly seen now a day. Another condition that is treated by this drug is Comedones. It is known as Blackheads.

Pimplex Tablets remedy is useful in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis. It helps in removing any scars and blemishes from the skin. It is very useful in the treatment of chronic pimples. It also increases the immunity of the body. It prevents recurrent infection and inflammation of the skin. It also provides Vitamin E to the skin. Pimplex Tablets help in the regeneration of new skin cells. It prevents skin from harmful ultraviolet radiation. It is very beneficial in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis. It is a very safe product and can be taken for a long period of time.

Pimplex Tablets does not produce any side effect. It is suited for young girls who have acne at a young age due to hormonal changes.

  • Brand/Manufacturer: SBL
  • Availability: Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Proprietary Homeopathic Medicine
  • Main Indication: Acne
  • Presentation: Available packs-25 gm and 450 gms. Each tablet is 250 mg.
  • Contraindications: No known contraindication
  • Interactions: No known interaction
  • Side-effects: No known side effects

Pimplex Tablets Composition

Arsenicum iodatum (1x) It is given to people who have dry skin, scaly, and very itchy. It is given to patients who have marked exfoliation of the skin with large scales which leave a raw surface beneath. It is a very good remedy for the eczema of the beard which has a watery discharge. This discharge is very irritating in nature and corrosive in nature. This discharge is irritating in nature and fetid in nature. It is given when a patient has acne which is hard, shoty with and hard base with pustule at the apex. It helps to cure the inflammation of the skin. It is a very good remedy for pus-related acne which is seen as a result of bacterial inflammation.

Pimplex Tablets are also important to remedy psoriasis.

Nux vomica(1x)- It is a very good remedy when a patient has painful acne. It is given to patients who live a luxurious life. They are very irritable and very sensitive in nature. The patient is then in the physique. He is very active but nervous in nature. The patient is indulged in office work and does not do any physical activity. It is very useful in acne with red skin and blotchy in nature. He is very fond of rich oily foods like meat and alcohol.

Berberis Aquifolium(1x)- It is important to remedy acne and pimples of all types. It cures blotches of skin. It is very helpful in clearing the complexion without producing any harmful effects. It is important to remedy pimply skin with dry rough scaly skin. It also cures eruptions on the scalp extending to the face and neck. It is a very good remedy for psoriasis.

Echinacea Angustifolia(1x)- It is important to remedy that has antiseptic and antiviral properties. It is a very good remedy for recurring boils. The patient has irritation from insect bites and poisonous plants. The patient has pimples and acne which are present on the neck and face.

Asterias Rubens(1x)- It is important to remedy for a person who has a red face and obese. It is useful when a patient has pimples on the sides of the nose, chin, and mouth. It is given for pimples in adolescence. It also cures itchy spots on the skin. It is a very important remedy for herpes zoster which is seen in the left arm and chest.

Benefits of Pimplex Tablets Remedy

  • It removes pitting and scarring on the face.
  • It improves complexion.
  • It helps in the regeneration of new cells of the skin. It removes old and worn-out cells from the skin.
  • It is effective in cleaning the pores of the skin.
  • It helps to reabsorb all the chemicals from the skin and refreshes skin to look young and healthy.
  • It helps to bring back the shining of the face.
  • It helps to regain the lost elasticity and prevents signs of aging.
  • It helps in healthy and glowing skin.
  • It helps in improving dark circles in women. These dark circles are seen as a result of eye strain, less sleep, or insufficient nutrition.
  • It improves blemishes, freckles, dark spots, and discoloration of the skin.
  • It is very useful in improving discoloration of skin and blemishes which is very common after pregnancy.
  • It improves the dryness of the skin by giving essential nutrients to the skin.
  • Early use of this medicine inpatients can prevent pitting and scarring on the face.

Pimplex Tablets Important Therapeutic Uses


Acne is the most common problem which is seen in both sexes, but it is seen more common in boys. It starts when there is a great production of hormones mainly androgens. Because of this hormone, there is an increased secretion of oil from the sebaceous gland. Acne is one of the most common skin complaints. Acne is a disorder in which hair follicles are obstructed by horny plugs. It, later on, develop tissue destruction and scar formation.

It is seen as an increased rate of sebum secretion. Sebum secretion causes greasy skin. This causes blackheads or comedones.

Symptoms of Acne

  • Red inflamed acne.
  • Tender to touch.
  • Pus is seen at times.
  • The scar is seen which is quite irregular forming triangular marks on the skin.

Sites of Acne

  • Face- On cheeks, lower jaw, chin, nose, and forehead.
  • Back of neck
  • Front of the chest
  • Back
  • Shoulders
  • Outer aspects of the upper arms
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs


Comedones are follicular plugs that have compacted sebum. Sometimes comedones are visible as they have melanin pigment. But at times they are not visible as they do not have pigmented tips.

Pimplex Tablets Dosage

The recommended dosage of medicine is given below:

  • Adults- 4 tablets 4-6 times daily.
  • Children- Half of the adult’s dose.
  • or as directed by the physician.

Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Suggestions

  • Pimplex Tablets have no known side-effect.
  • It has no known drug interaction.
  • Pimplex Tablets is completely safe to take this medicine in recommended doses.
  • Homeopathic medicines should be taken after cleaning the mouth and preferably on an empty stomach.
  • Please do not eat strong-smelling food items such as onion, garlic, etc. within half an hour before and after taking the medicine.
  • In case white globules have turned yellow, or sediments appear in the liquid form of medicine, do not take.
  • Do not take tobacco in any form.
  • During homeopathic treatment, no other medicines should be taken, unless suggested by a qualified homeopathic doctor.

Keep the medicines:

  • Away from strong smelling substances like camphor, menthol, etc.
  • In a cool, dry place away from direct exposure to sunlight.
  • Away from the reach of children.

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