Kutaja Avleha Uses Details For Chronic Stomach Problems

Kutajavaleha is classical Ayurvedic medicine containing Kutaj bark (Holarrhena antidysnterica), old jaggery, Trikatu, Triphala, Rasanjan, Bhallataka, Bel giri, Chitraka, vidanga, honey and used in the treatment of dysentery, diarrhea, piles, IBS, etc.

The chief ingredient of this medicine is Kutaj. Kurchi or Kutuj (Holarrhena antidysenterica) is used in the treatment of a variety of diseases including diarrhea and dysentery. The total alkaloids of the Kutaj bark has shown antibacterial activity on the intestinal bacteria, E. coli. Kurchamine, an alkaloidal fraction from the bark, effectively reduces the intestinal amoebic infection.

Kutajavaleha has an astringent, antiperiodic, Deepana (promote appetite but do not aid in digesting undigested food), Pachak (assist in digesting undigested food, but do not increase the appetite), and Raktapravardhak (increases blood) properties.

Kutajavaleha is used in the treatment of all kinds of piles, chronic diarrhea, anemia, blood vomiting, Passage of tarry stools, chronic indigestion, jaundice, etc.

Ingredients of Kutajavaleha

  • Kutaja-Tvak (Kutaja) (St. Bk.) 4.800 kg
  • Water for Decoction 12.288 liter reduced to 3.072 liter
  • Guda 1.440 kg
  • Rasanjana (Daruharidra) (St.Ext.) 48 g
  • Mocarasa (Shalmali) (Exd.) 48 g
  • Shunthi (Rz.) 48 g
  • Marica (Fr.) 48 g
  • Pippali (Fr.) 48 g
  • Haritaki (P.) 48 g
  • Bibhitaka (P.) 48 g
  • Amalaki (P.) 48 g
  • Lajjalu (Pliter) 48 g
  • Chitraka (Rt.) 48 g
  • Patha (Rt.) 48 g
  • Bilva (Fr.R.) 48 g
  • IndraYava (Kutaja) (Sd.) 48 g
  • Tvak (St. Bk.) 48 g
  • Bhallataka-shuddha (Sd.) 48 g
  • Prativisha (Ativisha) (Rt.) 48 g
  • Vidanga (Fr.) 48 g
  • Balaka (Hrivera) (Rt.) 48 g
  • Ghrita 192 g
  • Madhu 192 g

Uses of Kutajavaleha

This medicine is very good in the treatment of following diseases.

  • Amlapitta (Dyspepsia)
  • Atisara (Diarrhoea)
  • Vata and Kapha Diarrhea
  • Grahani (Malabsorption syndrome)
  • Pravahika (Dysentery)
  • Chronic diarrhea, colitis
  • Raktapitta (Bleeding disorder)
  • Arsha (Haemorrhoids)
  • Aruchi (Tastelessness)
  • Pandu (Anemia)
  • Kamala (Jaundice)
  • Shotha (Inflammation)
  • Karshya (Emaciation)
The Dosage of Kutajavaleha

1 to 2 teaspoonful 2 to 3 times a day with Water/ Butter-milk/ Ghrita.

This medicine is manufactured by Baidyanath (Kutjawaleh/Kutjavaleh).


  1. is it usefull for chronic IBS

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