Himalaya Purim Tablets Usage and Side Effects

Himalaya Purim Tablets is very effective Ayurvedic medicine which improves liver function, removes toxins, worms from the body. Very good for chronic skin debases.

Himalaya Purim Tablets is a herbal product from Himalaya Drug Company. This product is formulated on Ayurvedic principles and is a natural detoxifier. It helps to remove body toxins and thus combats skin diseases such as eczema, acute dermatitis, and chronic dermatitis. Purim has antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, wound healing and anti-allergic properties.

Here is given more about Himalaya Purim such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients, and dosage.

  • Manufacturer: The Himalaya Drug Company, Makali, Bengaluru – 562162
  • Availability: Online and at medical stores
  • Type of medicine: Proprietary Medicine
  • MRP/Price: Purim Tablets @ Rs 100.00

Himalaya Purim Tablets Composition

Ingredients present in this formulation are given below:

Each tablet contains

Extr. / Extracts

  • Nimba (Azadirachta indica) 32mg
  • Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia) 32mg
  • Varuna (Crataeva nurvala) 32mg
  • Triphala 31mg
  • Vidanga (Embelia Ribes) 31mg
  • Bhringaraja (Eclipta alba) 31mg
  • Kalamegha (Andrographis paniculata) 31mg

Pdrs. / Powders

  • Haridra (Curcuma longa) 36mg
  • Aragvadha (Cassia fistula) 36mg
  • Bakuchi (Psoralea corylifolia) 36mg
  • Pushkara (Inula racemosa) 36mg
  • Katuka (Picrorhiza kurroa)36mg

Processed in: Aloe Vera Giloy, Karela and Trapushpa Cucumis sativus.

Other ingredients: Sodium methylparaben IP, sodium Propylparaben IP.

Know the Himalaya Purim Tablets Ingredients


Neem (Azadirachta indica, family Meliaceae) it is also known as margosa, nim, Nimba, nimbatiktam, arishtha, praneem. The leaves contain nimboin, nimbinene, 6-desacetylnimbinene, nimbandiol, nimbolide, and quercetin. Leaves are also reported to contain β-sitosterol, n-hexacosanol, and nonacosane. It is a tonic and a revitalizer, it works effectively in the treatment of diabetes.

The Neem is cool, bitter, astringent, acrid and refrigerant. The bark of the tree is useful in tiredness, cough, fever, loss of appetite, worm infestation.

Neem bark heals wounds and vitiated conditions of kapha, vomiting, skin diseases, excessive thirst, and diabetes. Neem is used to treat intestinal worms, heat-rash, boils, wounds, jaundice, leprosy, skin disorders, stomach ulcers, chicken pox, malarial fever, etc. The bark of the tree is used in Ayurveda for the treatment of the skin diseases, excessive pitta, excessive kapha, toxins in the body, bleeding disorders and healing of wounds.

Neem Root bark and young fruits are astringent, tonic and antiperiodic (prevent recurrence of diseases).


Katuka (Synonyms: Picrorhiza kurroa, Tikta, Tiktarohi, Kutki, Katuka Rohini, Katuku Rohini, Kadugurohini) is a perennial, hairy herb found in the north-western Himalayas from Kashmir to Sikkim. The main constituent of the rhizomes is Glucoside (Picrorhizin). The rhizomes of the plant are dried and used for medicinal purpose.

It has alterative, bitter, Tonic, antibacterial, antiviral, anthelmintic, hepatoprotective, choleretic, spasmolytic, insecticidal and laxative activities.

Traditionally, Picrorhiza is used for constipation, chronic dysentery, scabies, leucoderma, joint pain, chronic asthma, infections, inflammations, coughs, hepatitis, menstrual problems, enteritis, gall bladder complaints, jaundice, and hemorrhoids. It works on plasma, blood and muscle tissues.

Kutki pacifies Vata and Pitta and reduces Ama in the body. It helps in the liver conditions and is considered the main herb for jaundice, hepatitis, etc. It purges excess Pitta from the liver and gall bladder. It protects the liver.

Ayurvedic Properties of Katuka

  • Rasa (taste on the tongue): Katu (Pungent), Tikta (Bitter)
  • Guna (Pharmacological Action): Laghu (Light)
  • Virya (Action): Shita (Cooling)
  • Vipaka (transformed state after digestion): Katu (Pungent)
  • Action: Dipan, Bhedi, Jwarhar, Pittahar
  • Dosha effect: Reduces Pitta, and Kapha but increases Vata

 There are few conditions in which use of Picrorhiza kurroa should be avoided. For example, it stimulates the immune system and therefore should be taken carefully in auto-immune disorders (systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Hashimoto thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, polymyositis, scleroderma, Addison disease, pernicious anemia, etc.. As stimulation of the immune system can worsen the symptoms. Picrorhiza also affects blood sugar level. It lowers the blood sugar level.

It should be taken with caution in the high Vata condition, tissue deficiencies, diarrhea, and hypoglycemia.


Guduchi / Giloy / Tinospora cordifolia is recommended for diabetes, burning sensation, fever, edema, etc. It has been scientifically validated in various animal models for hypoglycemic, immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and other pharmacological activities. The aqueous and alcoholic extract of the plant has been shown to improve glucose tolerance. It has hypoglycemic, anti-oxidant and analgesic activity and reduces the burning sensation.


Vidanga has carminative and hepatoprotective activity. It is anthelmintic, astringent, alterative and tonic.


Triphala (Amla + Harad + Baheda) is used extensively in Ayurveda for the treatment of digestive diseases. It is a tonic for the whole body. It is being used in various gastric disorders including intestinal inflammation. Amla, has significant acid lowering, cooling, and anti-ulcer properties. Triphala is a rich source of tannins, which is known to affect the integrity of the mucus membrane. Tannins with their protein precipitating and vasoconstriction effects could be advantageous in preventing ulcer development.


Bakuchi is the dry ripe seed of Psoralea corylifolia Linn. of Leguminosae family, an erect, 0.3-1.8 m. high annual herb, distributed throughout India, found commonly in Uttar Pradesh, Bengal, and Maharashtra. The seeds contain evaporable oil, stable oil, resin and two crystalline elements called psoralen. The seeds oil of Bakuchi plant is useful in leukoderma, vitiligo, leprosy, psoriasis and inflammatory diseases of the skin.

Babchi helps in vitiligo, hypopigmented lesions or leucoderma as its chief constituent psoralen is a photoactive furocoumarin that binds to DNA when exposed to UV light to form photoproducts with pyrimidine base. This action inhibits DNA synthesis and causes a decrease in cell proliferation and hence spread of leukoderma patches.

Ayurvedic Action of Himalaya Purim Tablets

  • Krimighna: Anthelmintic
  • Kushthahar: Used in skin diseases
  • Raktdoshhar: Cures impurities of the blood
  • Svashhar: Alleviates asthma
  • Trishnashodhana: Relieves thirst

Himalaya Purim Tablets Biomedical Action

  • Alterative: Alter favorably the course of an ailment.
  • Anthelmintic: Expel parasitic worms (helminths) and other internal parasites from the body.
  • Anti-inflammatory: Reducing inflammation by acting on body mechanisms.
  • Antioxidant: Neutralize the oxidant effect of free radicals and other substances.
  • Antiseptic: Capable of preventing infection by inhibiting the growth of infectious agents.
  • Deobstruent: Removing obstructions; having the power to clear or open the natural ducts of the fluids and secretions of the body.
  • Depurative: Purifying agent.
  • Hepatoprotective: Prevent damage to the liver.

Himalaya Purim Tablets Health Benefits

  • It is useful for various types of skin problems.
  • It has antiseptic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, wound healing and anti-allergic properties.
  • It helps to treat skin infections.
  • It has hepatostimulant action and improves liver function.
  • It has a detoxifying property and removes toxic metabolic products from the body. It provides symptomatic relief in skin allergies and dermatitis.
  • It contains Vidang and has anthelmintic property. It is beneficial in controlling cutaneous (on the skin) manifestation of worm infections.

Himalaya Purim Tablets Therapeutic Uses

  • Acne vulgaris and acne rosacea associated with acneiform postulation
  • Acute and chronic dermatitis
  • Atopic dermatitis
  • Cutaneous manifestation of worm infections
  • Hyperpigmentation in chronic dermatitis
  • Improves the liver function
  • Removes toxic metabolic products from the body

Himalaya Purim Tablets Dosage

  • The recommended dosage of medicine is 2 tablets.
  • It should be taken twice a day, in the morning and evening.
  • It is to be taken with water.
  • Or take as directed by a doctor.


  • Use mild soap.
  • Do not take Pitta vardhak/heating food items, spicy-oily and heavy to digest food items.
  • Wear clean cotton clothes.
  • Do not touch pimples with your fingers.
  • Avoid touching affected skin areas.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Limit salt intake. Excess salt intake causes water retention in the body. This contributes to swelling, and retention of toxins in the body.

Suggestions, Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings

  • It is completely safe to take this medicine in recommended doses. Do check the list of ingredients and their contraindications to avoid any side effects.
  • Effectivity of herbal medicine depends on many factors. A medicine suitable for one person may not essentially give the same result in another person.
  • The exact dose depends on the age, strength, digestive power of the patient, the nature of the illness, the state of the viscera and humours, and the properties of individual drugs.
  • Keep away from the sight and reach of children.
  • Please maintain a gap of at least an hour between intake of any allopathic drug and Ayurvedic medicine to avoid drug interaction, if any.
  • Do not take any medicine during pregnancy without consulting doctor.
  • Do not use many different medicines for the treatments of the same disease.


  1. sir,i am sufferring from eczema and scar marks on many parts of the body and request you to suggest the best medicine either purim or talekt and if so how many period as well as dosases per day.

  2. Is it good for psoriasis


  4. Very nicely described.

  5. When to take Purim before eating food or after eating…..

  6. is it a blood purifier

  7. ..I am 22 years.I am suffering acne problem ,in my face & chest. Food not digest properly can I eat this medicine. It’s have any side effect? After how many time I get best result take this medicine.

    • Dear Raj Kumar Jana,

      I would suggest the following herbal medicines for your present state of sufferings to bring their best possible results:

      1. Arogya Vati (Patanjali) – One tablet twice a day after meal.

      2. Purim (Himalaya) – Two tablets twice a day after meal.

      3. Clarina Cream (Himalaya) – Apply cream on pimples after washing the area with herbal soap and luke warm water. Apply cream at least twice a day to achieve effective results.

      Please Note:
      You will need to take the prescribed herbal medicines regularly for several months with utmost patience to achieve their long-lasting benefits, since natural products have holistic healing qualities on the body, and take extra time for absorption and producing satisfactory results.

      Take care and stay healthy!

      Best regards,
      Kunwar Singh

  8. I am 17 years old Boy and Bought Purim Tablets and tell me how many dose I daily eat

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