Shukramatrika Vati For Sexual Disorders

Shukramatrika vati is herbo-mineral Ayurvedic medicine useful in the treatment of seminal and urinary problems. This medicine is especially useful in improving sperm quality and preventing loss of sperm. It also cures sexual debility and increases vigour in males. This medicine is manufactured in India by Shree Baidyanath Ayurveda Bhawan.

Key Ingredients of Shukramatrika Vati

2 tola each of Gokshura beej, Hareetaki, Vibhitaka, Amlaki (Triphala), Tejpatra, Ela beej, Rasunt, Dhanyak, Chavya, Jeeraka, Talis Patra, Suhage ki kheel, Anar dana, 1 tola of Guggulu, 4 tola each of Parad, Gandhak, Abhrak Bhasma, Lauh Bhasma, Tankan Bhasma

Uses of Shukramatrika Vati

  • Spermatorrhoea, Improves sperm quality
  • Loss of semen with urine
  • Nightfall
  • All types of prameha, Dysuria

The Dosage of Shukramatrika Vati

1 tablet, twice a day with Pomegranate juice/Goat milk/water or as directed by a physician.

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  1. how to take this medicine

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