Homeopathic Remedy Cephalandra indica MT is the mother tincture of Cephalandra Indica or Ivy Gourd or Scarlet fruit. The aerial parts of the plant are used for the preparation of this remedy. Cephalandra indica MT is mainly used in the treatment of Diabetes and for the treatment of Blood urea and Blood Sugar.

Cephalandra indica MT is helpful in the following conditions:
- Abscess and carbuncles
- Burning pains all over the body
- Chronic fever with burning in the eyes
- Diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus
- Dryness of mouth with excessive thirst
- Edema and water retention in the body.
- For poisonous boils
- Giddiness
- Hemorrhage or bleeding in the stomach
- Jaundice
- Profuse urination and severe exhaustion after urination
- Severe headache on exposure to the sun
Brand/Manufacturer: Many pharmacies
Availability: Online and at medical stores
Type of medicine: Homeopathic Medicine
Main Indication: Diabetes
Contraindications: No known contraindication
Interactions: No known interaction
Side-effects: No known side effects
- Schwabe as CEPHALANDRA INDICA MT (Q) 30ml @ Rs. 94.00
- Reckeweg- Cephalandra Indica Q Mother Tincture 20ml @ Rs. 206
- SBL Cephalandra Indica Mother Tincture Q 30ml @ Rs. ₹80.
Cephalandra indica MT Composition
Mother Tincture of Cephalandra indica.
Cephalandra Indica
- Synonyms: Coccinia indica, Coccinia cordfolia, Coccinia grandis.
- Common Indian name: Kundru ki bail
- English: Scarlet-fruited gourd, tindora, Koval fruit
- Sanskrit: Vimboshta Vimbaja Bimba Tundika
- Telugu: Bimbika, Donda.
- Malayalam: Kova.
- Kannada: Tonde-balie.
- Arab, Persian: Kabare
- Bengali: Tela-kucha
- Hindi: kanduri ki bill
- Tamil: Korai
- Punjabi: Kanduri
- Kingdom: Plantae – Plants
- Subkingdom: Tracheobionta – Vascular plants
- Superdivision: Spermatophyta – Seed plants
- Division: Magnoliophyta – Flowering plants
- Class: Magnoliopsida – Dicotyledons
- Subclass: Dilleniidae
- Order: Violales
The wild variety has a five-cornered leaf. When eaten raw, it has a cucumber-like taste, with a slight sourness. It has an enzyme that delays carbohydrates from turning into glucose upon digestion.
- The patient feels worse after passing urine.
- He feels better by cold application.
Cephalandra Indica is commonly known as a little gourd. It grows in large quantities. It grows all over India. Its stems, leaves, roots, and fruit are used in the preparation of remedy. It is seen that chewing the raw fruit cures common mouth sores. Its leaves are crushed and applied to boils and skin eruptions. Its fruit also heals gout problems and cures coughs.
Its juice helps to cure kidney problems by detoxification. It removes toxic material from the body through urine. It is very useful in the treatment of sexually transmitted diseases. Its fruit is chewed raw after a meal, which helps digestion.
Cephalandra indica MT Important Therapeutic Uses
- It is a very useful remedy for Diabetes mellitus and Diabetes insipidus.
- It is very useful for skin complaints that occur in diabetes.
- It is a very good remedy for jaundice, dropsy, dysentery.
- It is very useful in sunstroke.
- It is a good remedy for boils, carbuncles, abscesses.
- It helps to control diabetes along with diet restrictions. It helps in the treatment of glucose in urine.
- It is given when a patient has an intolerable burning sensation all over the body.
- It is given to a person who is very sensitive to noise and to other external impressions like sound, touch, light.
- It is helpful in controlling the pulsation of the nerves.
- It is given to a patient who is very sad. He does not want to any work. HE is gloomy. It is given to a person whose memory is partially gone. The patient is very sensitive mentally and physically. The patient’s face is red and burning.
- It is given when a patient feels weakness and giddiness which is worse after passing urine.
- It is very useful for burning eyes.
- It treats dryness of the mouth with a great thirst for a large quantity of water at a time. He feels worse after passing urine.
- It is also helpful in treating dryness of the throat.
- It is given when a patient has a loss of appetite. A patient has greenish mucus stool, which at times has tinged with blood. It also treats pain before and during stool.
- It cures classic symptoms of diabetes, which involves frequent urination. A patient has profuse urination. He feels weak and exhausted after passing urine, with the presence of sugar in the urine.
- It is very helpful in the treatment of some of the symptoms which are actually related to complications of diabetes, like pain in lower limbs, muscular tenderness in lower limbs. It is also useful in intermittent claudication. It is a very effective remedy for reducing fasting blood sugar levels.
Cephalandra indica MT Dosage
The recommended dosage of medicine is given below:
Mother tincture, 15 drops of Cephalandra Indica mother tincture in half a cup of normal water twice each day for 3 months unless otherwise prescribed by the physician. It can be taken along with allopathic medicines.
Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Suggestions
- It has no known side-effect.
- It has no known drug interaction.
- It is completely safe to take this medicine in recommended doses.
- Homeopathic medicines should be taken after cleaning the mouth and preferably on an empty stomach.
- Please do not eat strong-smelling food items such as onion, garlic, etc. within half an hour before and after taking the medicine.
- In case white globules have turned yellow, or sediments appear in the liquid form of medicine, do not take.
- Do not take tobacco in any form.
- During homeopathic treatment, no other medicines should be taken, unless suggested by a qualified homeopathic doctor.
Keep the medicines:
- Away from strong smelling substances like camphor, menthol, etc.
- In a cool, dry place away from direct exposure to sunlight.
- Away from the reach of children.