Home remedies to reduce weight

Obesity is very common world wide health problem due to our bad food habit and daily routine. High weight can lead to serious health issue which can cause permanent health problem. Reducing weight is not a magic it can achieve by adding daily physical exercise and taking balanced diet and can be achieved in long way. There are also some natural home remedies which can be very useful in reducing weight.  

Some Home remedies to reduce weight

  • Soak 2 tbs of Triphala churna in 2 glass of water and in morning boil it till water reduces to a glass then filter and drink.
  • Make a habit to drink lukewarm water in morning empty stomach. You can squeeze a lemon and 1 tbs honey in water.
  • Drink 8-10 glasses of water in day. This not only help to reduce weight but also removes toxins from the body.
  • Eat green leafy vegetables, seasonal fruits and milk.
  • Eat Ashwagandha leaf 3 times a day with lukewarm water for 3 to 7 days then repeat again after 15 days.
  • Avoid cold drinks, fruit juices, pizza, burger, sweets and deep fried food items.
  • Avoid sleeping during day time. Take sleep of 8 hours and in morning go for brisk walking.
  • Swimming is also a very good exercise to lose weight.
  • Do kapalbhati pranayam daily for 5 to 10 mins increase the duration gradually.
  • If too obese and unable to do exercises then can take Medohar vati and Triphala guggal , 1-2 tabs, twice or thrice a day, according to the weight of the body half an hour before the meals or one hour after meals with hot water.
  • Have a light dinner and take salads.

Above are natural ayurvedic home remedies to reduce weight naturally, effectively and without any side effects.

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