In Ayurvedic system of medicine Ficus bengalensis or Banyan tree is well-known for managing diabetes. The bark of Banyan tree has anti-diabetic properties. Studies have confirmed hypoglycemic (blood sugar lowering) effect of extract of bark in alloxan diabetic rabbits, rats and in humans. The bark also reported to have hypocholesterolaemic (cholesterol lowering) and hypolipidaemic (lipid lowering) effects.

The anti-diabetic effect of bark is due to the presence of flavonoids, water soluble and insoluble glycoside. In studies, the decoction and infusion was found effective in moderate diabetes but ineffective in severe diabetes.
Common names of Banyan Tree
Sanskrit: Vata;Hind Vata, Bargad;English: Banyan tree; Nepalese: Bar;Sinhalese: Nuga;Unani: Bargad;Arabian: Zatuzzawanelia;Persian: Darakht-e-reshah;Burmese: Pyinyuang;French: Figuier due bengal: Tibetan: Nya-gro-dha;Tamil: Alamaram
How to use Banyan tree bark for Diabetes
- Take bark (2 inch) of Banyan tree. Soak this in a glass of water at night. Next morning mash the bark, filter the liquid and drink.
- Dry and pulverise the bark of Banyan tree. Take of 1 tablespoon bark powder and prepare decoction by boiling in 2 glass of water till volume reduces to 1/2 cup. Filter the decoction and drink regularly.
Some other medicinal uses of Banyan
Banyan is a tree with tremendous medicinal qualities, in Ayurvedic medicine system, it is used for the treatment of innumerable diseases. These remedies are simple, safe and can be done at home without any problem. But do keep in mind, herbal remedies works but takes time to show result.
Banyan tree use is recommended in Ayurveda for promoting fertility and curing sexual debility. Leaf- buds are prescribed in Ayurveda for promoting conception. According to Ayurveda, putting few drops of the banyan tree juice in the right nostril of the pregnant woman protects and gives good health to unborn baby.
For treating pre-mature ejaculation Banyan Tree latex and leaves are very effective and in India people are using this and women worshiping Banyan tree.