Leptaden Tablets Benefits, Ingredients, Dosage

Leptaden Tablets is a herbal medicine from Alarsin pharmaceutical. This medicine is good remedy for new mothers who are suffering from deficient or absent breast milk. The medicine has galactagogue effect. The medicine is also useful for women who suffers from habitual abortion. Leptaden does not pose any health risk to developing baby.

Here is given more about Leptaden such as indication/therapeutic uses, Key Ingredients and dosage.

Key Ingredients of Leptaden

Each tablet contains: Jeevanthi 150 mg, Kambhoji 150, Ex-q.s. and some preservatives.

Uses of Leptaden

  • High Risk Pregnancies
  • Stimulates, stabilizes, improves the quantity of Breast milk and improves and maintains the quality of Breast Milk

The Dosage of Leptaden

2 tablets thrice a day after delivery for 4 weeks.

In Habitual abortions

Pre-conception treatment: 2 tabs tds continuously for 3 months even during menses After this, once pregnancy is suspected 2 tablets tds throughout pregnancy.

In Threatened abortions: start 2 tablets tds at the earliest and continue throughout pregnancy.


  1. V should take medicne by water or milk

  2. Can leptaden be used in 9th month after delivery as my supply has come down? Kindly respond at the earliest.

  3. Iam taking leptaden after 3rd month of delivery.. how many days am i supposed to take tablets

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