Himalaya Serpina Tablets

Sarpagandha is the only ingredient of this medicine. Learn what are health benefits and usage of this herb powder.

Serpina Tablets is single-ingredient formulation from Himalaya Drug Company. It is useful in the management of mild to moderate hypertension. Sarpagandha is the only ingredient of this medicine and has antihypertensive, antipsychotic, antifertility, hypnotic, CNS depressant, narcotic, sedative and tranquilizer activities. It depletes peripheral catecholamine (noradrenaline) stores, which results in a reduction of blood pressure.

Serpina should not be used in pregnancy due to its hot potency and Teratogenic (Causing congenital anomalies or birth defects) action. This medicine should not be taken with Levodopa, Carbex, Eldepryl, Marplan, Nardil, and Parnate and Procarbazine. It may interact with blood pressure medicines, Digoxin, breathing problem medicines, cold-congestion medicine and medicines for depression, anxiety, or psychotic disturbances.

Here is given more about this medicine, such as benefits, indication/therapeutic uses, composition, and dosage.

  • Type of medicine: Proprietary
  • Manufacturer: Himalaya Drug Company
  • Purpose: Managing mild to moderate B.P.
  • Suitable for: It can be given to people who are strong but highly irritable.


You can buy this medicine online or from medical stores.

Store in cool and dry place away from direct sunlight. Do not refrigerate.

Ingredients of Serpina Tablets

Herbal Serpina 250mg Ingredients:

Each Herbal Serpina 250mg tablet contains –

Exts. Sarpagandha (Rauwolfia serpentina) 4mg

Sarpagandha or Rauwolfia serpentina, is a powerful medicinal herb with blood pressure lowering and CNS depressing activities. It lower the heart rate, blood pressure and brain activities. Sarpagandha is antihypertensive, antipsychotic, sedative, hypnotic and tranquilizing. It is given in precise dose to manage blood pressure and induce sleep. Sarpagandha has many side effects ncluding muscles relaxation, decrease of fertility, lowering of male hormones, abnormal heart rhythm, acidosis and shock. It must not be taken in ulcers, ulcerative colitis and depression.

Benefits of Serpina Tablets

  1. It dilates the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure.
  2. It reduces Vata and gives relief in insomnia and agitation.
  3. It is sedating and tranquillizing.
  4. It gives relief in pain and colic.
  5. It shows beneficial effects in various central nervous system disorders, anxiety states, excitement, maniacal behavior associated with psychosis, schizophrenia, insanity, insomnia, fits and epilepsy.

Important Therapeutic Uses of Serpina Tablets

Serpina restores normal blood pressure in hypertensives.

1. Management of mild to moderate hypertension

2. Diseases in which depression of CNS is required such as psychotic disorders, anxiety, sleeplessness due to irritability, etc.

The Dosage of Serpina Tablets

1 tablet thrice a day after the meal with water. When the required hypotensive effect is done take lower maintenance dose. Or as directed by a physician. Expiry date is 3 years from date of manufacturing.

High dose has negative effects. Wrong dose, can cause hypotension and lead to giddiness and sleepiness.

Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings Rauvolfia serpentina

  1. Sarpagandha is the only ingredient of this medicine and has the following Contraindications, Interactions, Side-effects, and Warnings:
  2. It has teratogenic (disturb the development of an embryo or fetus) and abortifacient action and must not be used in pregnancy.
  3. It is contraindicated in patients with a history of mental depression, bleeding disorders, gastric and Duodenal ulcers, pregnancy, breastfeeding, asthma, ulcers and kidney pain, decreased renal function, and in patients receiving Electroconvulsive therapy (ECTs). ECT formerly known as electroshock therapy, and often referred to as shock treatment, is a psychiatric treatment in which seizures are electrically induced in patients to provide relief from psychiatric illnesses.
  4. Side effects, include depression, dizziness, drowsiness, dyspnea, erectile dysfunction, lethargy, rash, and reactive changes (dangerous while driving), reduced sexual potency, and stuffy nose.
  5. Drug interactions occurs with appetite suppressants, barbiturates, digitalis glycosides, levodopa, neuroleptics, and sympathomimetics.
  6. When taken with cough / flu medicines or with appetite lowering medicine it causes significant initial increase of blood pressure.
  7. Do not use with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, beta-blockers, levodopa, tricyclic and antidepressants.
  8. It should not be used with alcohol as it severely increases the impairment of motor reactions.
  9. Excessive dose causes drowsiness, weak-slow pulse, slow breathing, diarrhea, lower body temperature and contraction of pupils.


  1. Ca i take if i am taking desvenlafaxine 50mg twice a day? as anxiety/ stress is not controlled.

  2. Shall i use this serpina tablets for low bp?

  3. You say dosage is 250 mg, but product label I viewed at their website is 4mg so why the big difference?

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