Rhuma oil for joint pain relief

Rhuma oil is very good pain reliever for pains of joints and other mescal pains. By massage of this oils you will get relief from arthritis, joints pain, sciatica.

Rhuma Oil is a polyherbal Ayurvedic medicated oil. This oil is for external use only. Rhuma oil massage gives relief in musculoskeletal conditions like lumbago, cervical and lumbar spondylitis, rheumatoid, osteoarthritis and muscle pains. This oil is prepared from many anti-inflammatory and pain relieving medicinal herbs viz. castor, mango-ginger, prasarni, kapur, etc.

Here is given more about Rhuma Oil such as indication/therapeutic uses, composition and direction for use.

Key Ingredients of Rhuma Oil

Below is given complete list of medicinal herbs that are used to prepare this medicated oil:-

Each 5 ml contains: Eranda mula/ root of Castor plant 125 mg, Ashwagandha 125 mg, Amargandhi haridra/ Mango-ginger/Amba haldi 125 mg, Vatsanabha 125 mg, Datura panchag/all five parts 125 mg, Shatavari 125 mg, Prasarini 125 mg, Gandhanapuri taila 1.15 ml, Karpur 0.25 mg.

Uses of Rhuma Oil

Rhuma oil is a medicated oil for external massaging. Massaging with this oil should be done in muscular pains, cramps and sprains. In joint pains, arthritis, joint stiffness, rheumatism massaging with Rhuma oil gives relief.

It is also indicated in sciatica, backache, lumbago, neck stiffness, frozen shoulder, cervical spondylitis and similar conditions.

How to use Rhuma Oil

This oil is for external use ONLY. Before massaging, warm affected body part with warm water/compress and then massage Rhuma oil with mild hands and cover with cloth.

Keep this product away from children’s reach. Always wash hands properly after every use. NOT for oral use. Contains some poisonous herbs (vatsanabh, datura).

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